Star Wars Jedi Training

Star Wars Jedi Training

Star Wars Jedi Training

Jedi Training

It’s hard to deny that the pairing of The Walt Disney Co. and The Star Wars franchise was destined to be a powerhouse and no pun intended a “force” to be reckoned with. (Honesty that was not meant to be as bad of a joke as it came out, but I’m going with it anyway). Now I’m just going to sit here a while some of you imagine kicking my teeth in for saying such a thing. However, regardless of what you think about what Disney and Star Wars have accomplished, and/or tragically ruined on the big screen.

I am speaking a much different aspect of this relationship.(For the record I like the new movies, but do acknowledge that NOTHING beats the original trilogy). More of what I am talking about has to do with the Disney experience inside the parks. The pairing of Disney and Star Wars has joined two of the worlds top fan bases, and placed them all in one package. With a simple admission into Disney’s Hollywood Studios, one can finally step into small parts of the mind of Mr. George Lucas.

As for right now what is offered is a rather small comparison as to what is to come with the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge set to open in 2019 but that is not to sell short what Disney is already doing inside the park. And while it may only be a small taste of what is to come I have to say the future looks pretty good.

Star Wars Land

The Star Wars meet and greets are already some of the best you will find in any of the parks and the Star Wars: Galactic Spectacular is, in my opinion, the hands-down best fireworks show you can see. My recommendation is to do the Star Wars dessert party first. Your belt will hate you but I promise it’s worth it.

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For me, overall one of the more unique Star Wars experiences Disney offers is the Jedi Training Academy. Now I am about to break some 40-year old’s hearts but this one is just for the kids but I promise it’s still a good time. Jedi Training was something we often talked about letting our oldest son (huge Star Wars Nut) do, but to be honest we always wrote it off as something we just didn’t have time for. We had too much park to squeeze in. It wasn’t until we had been to the parks enough times that we felt we didn’t have to rush to do everything that we finally set down and decided to take part in this little gem.

Here kids from ages 4-12 years old get to suit up and take part in one of the greatest battles of their lives. Now what Star Wars fan hasn’t honestly thought about what it would be like to swing a light saber? So why deny the kids? That’s right you shouldn’t. Why yes I will tell you more. As I stated earlier children have to be from ages 4-12 years old to participate, and must be with you at the time of registration. Now availability is limited, so you will want to make sure you get to the Hollywood Studios early in order to secure your child’s spot. Jedi Training is offered on a first come first served bases inside the park only.

Once cast members begin letting guest in you will want to quickly make your way to the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost located by the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. Now, you will be tempted to run, and I am not going to say we haven’t before, but I wouldn’t as you will be force choked to the ground. Ok, that’s probably not going to really happen but you will be kindly asked to not run by Disney cast members simply for the fact that Disney doesn’t want to see anyone get hurt. So move quickly but do not fret for their are more than a dozen shows scheduled throughout the day. It is also possible to be placed on standby if someone does cancel so do keep that in mind if for some reason you miss registration because you couldn’t pass up the Mickey waffles. (Don’t worry no one can).

Since the first and second time we have done Jedi Training they have expanded as to accommodate more children, so it is a bit easier to obtain a spot than it was before if you have tried and missed in the past. Once registered you will be given a time slot and further instructions of when and where to return. Until that time you are free to explore the park as you will and return to the designated area at the specified time.

Here your kids will enter the temple where they will don their Jedi robes for the first time and begin their Jedi training. Here is where you leave your little Padawan and make your way over to the stage near the entrance to Star Tours. This is where the real fun begins. Here is where your children will become part of a real live Disney show and display their newly acquired Jedi skills to the test against the evil forces of the Dark Side and come face to face with the likes of Darth Vader and Kilo Ren. This is truly a joy to watch if you yourself or your kids happen to be Star Wars fans. I mean they get to fight Darth Vader with a lightsaber. I mean outside of driving the monorail it really doesn’t get much better than that. And your kids will love it too.

Jedi Training Jedi Training

For a while, we were we starting to think it went to our sons head when we caught him trying to use the force on his sister. No worries. The force is strong but it is no match for a strong-willed Princess like my Bailey. But for real we all had a blast and can not wait for our youngest to get old enough to participate in Jedi Training. So while we all have to suffer out the wait for Star Wars Land next year at least we have Jedi Training….and the dessert party. Do the dessert party.

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